Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blogging at STMA

Great! You read my e-mail and clicked on the link! We can continue our discussion on how to use blogging in the classroom on this blog. In fact, I will ask you some questions and you can respond to them. You will be able to see your response (and hopefully other responses) by clicking on the comment link below this message.

So... here are my burning questions for you... Did you like the sample blog I sent you in the e-mail? Do you think blogging will work at STMA? What are your opinions on child safety and blogging?

Please feel free to ask your own questions for others to respond to.

Note, this blog is hosted by blogger.com The sample blog is hosted by classblogmeister.com This site doesn't have some of the security features that classblogmeister has, but you will get an idea of how a blog allows people to communicate.


  1. i think people may be resistant to blogging - viewing it as one more thing to do. and in a way, i would agree. though it can be a useful tool, it should not replace the actual physical interaction between a staff member in need and a staff member who can help. let's not get so caught up with our new gadgets that we forget to actually chat with each other.

  2. I agree that blogging should not take over for daily interactions, but I think it can be a great way to share ideas. We do need to be careful with technology because the written word can be read into many different ways while talking face to face or over the phone allows us to listen and watch for voice tones and facial expressions. I think Blogs will be good tools for teachers to share resources with students or other staff members. I do wonder about its role in stating opinions because it easy to hide behind a keyboard as too many of us know, have a great one and thanks for letting me have my fist chance to blog and be a hypocrite since I did blog an opinion.

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Blogging certainly has its place and time. STMA English staff have discovered it to be a nice tool to use with students. In terms of staff development, in can be a good resource for communication. The key word is resource. Interaction between people should never be replaced, but people aren't always available when we need them. A blog will provide us an avenue to communicate and learn on our own time. Just as parents are wanting teachers to place more info online, a blog can host information for teachers to learn from each other. In the end, it's simply a tool to use, but it shouldn't be considered a panacea for collaboration.

  4. Stephanie4:04 PM

    What about those students that struggle with communication and need to "practice" talking with others or in front of others? I think it has it's place but I don't want to see it "take over" because we're all so "into" technology.

  5. Marcie4:09 PM

    OK, I've never blogged before, so I don't really have an opinion yet!

  6. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Second try, so hopefully this works.
